Saturday, September 27, 2008


Existential Thoughts About Israel And The Debate Of Doom

Questions that are left swirling around my drunken mind post-debate:

1. Should I feel this ashamed about not knowing the difference between 'tactic' and 'strategy'?
2. If the CBS poll is correct (that undecided voters who watched the debate favored Obama), how much did McCain's incredible stunt of douchebaggery pre-debate play into it?
3. Why did the man-bracelet incite Obama's most aggressive response of the night?
4. Um, why so possessive of Kissinger? And Reagan, Obama, really?
5. Why would Obama bring up the fact that his father is foreign-born hot off the tail of McCain's "I AM America, and I loves the veterans" shpiel? Why? Why??
6. Did it seem to digress into an "I love America, you hates it," "No I love America, you hates it!" "ZOMG it was the terrorists that collapsed our economy! Destroy them!" fest?
7. Does anyone else feel like McCain is going to self-impose the nickname, "The Punisher," sometime before the end of the debates?
8. Why was McCain so afraid of this supposed table Obama was going to be sitting at with dictators, even after Obama made it clear that none of these crazy men would be given access to hot tea during negotiations?
9. What would Sartre think of Israel's existential crises?
10. How on earth did McCain win the first "HI HILLARY SUPPORTERS!" mention of the night?
11. How did Obama manage to align himself more with Bush than McCain until about 30 minutes into the debate???
12. Why can Obama's blurb that was supposed to be about America losing competitiveness in the world be better summarized by: "The Chinese are coming! The Chinese are coming!"

Friday, September 26, 2008

Jonathan Safran Foer illuminated by Slate

The amazing Jonathan Safran Foer is interviewed by
To Paraphrase:
"I'm not an intellectual. No, seriously."
"My writing is like sex. No, seriously."